Settin’ The Woods On Fire ~

Mother Nature was at work last night settin’ the woods on fire with yet another beautiful sunset.  Please click on the  link at the bottom of this page to enjoy Hank Williams song while you look at the photos ~ Thanks.


DSC_3478 a fitting song from Mr. Hank Williams Sr.

California Big Horns ~ Lillooet style

Life has been too busy for blogs but I thought these animals were worth one…After our second grandson Jacob’s  first “real” hockey game in Lillooet on Sunday … by the way he scored a goal ( that he didn’t realize he got …lol…) He was quite the go-getter on the ice not bad for 5.   On the way home we saw these beauties. They were not big by any means but fascinating to watch  just the same. Apparently their vision is 8 times more powerful than human eyes… crazy eh…




info on bighorn sheep in British Columbia please visit…

more facts …   please visit

Swan song ~

One of my favorite places in Victoria is The Lagoon just outside Belmont Park.  I enjoy going for walks there.  I always take my camera because I know there will be a flurry of activity with all of the birds. Especially the swans.

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Lest We Forget ~

I am an Army brat. This blog is to thank our Service Men & Women for keeping our Country Canada ~ True North Strong & Free ~ some of the photos below are relatives of mine past and present who served in different theatres of War & Peace keeping ~
flandersfinal lestSgt. TIB JonesWJOHNAUDUncle KyleGrampa Cornell

audieKabulDougspr.&mrs tib jonesspr. tib blackR.F.A.1916great grampa blackdad great uncle great grampa black54th battalion7poppy

The Harvesters of Valhalla ~

These two love getting their hands in the dirt.1All kinds of yummy colorful carrots… the first stars of the harvest…2Digging away and making sure they get every last purple potato.3Part of the harvest.4This young fella prefers to pick purple potatoes at night….emwebDSC_0449wThe second star of the harvest …purple potatoes…5Cutting off the end of the beets for Grampa Al.67Future harvesters of the forest…8DSC_0449w