Beautiful time of year in The Cariboo ~ But damn I hate the cold….
I was going through my memory cards when I was reminded of these little gems I photographed early one morning this past summer. Cheered me up considering the snow & cold out there now…
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Horse Lake at Sunrise  please play this great song while viewing the sunrise …. thanks
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This beautiful bird was enjoying the suet we feed them …while I enjoyed my morning coffee. I love the colors of this bird and the markings on its chest . Â Not sure what kind of bird it is ?
Penny has informed me that this is a Northern Flicker ~ Thank you Penny !
The birds sure love the suet …This woodpecker prefers the peanuts…
Camp Robbers (Whiskey Jack) like the vegetables from our chicken feed bucket… as well as the suet
Not sure what kind of bird this is but he sure likes sunflower seeds… please let me know what kind of bird this is… thank you
This big fella is curious too…
here is a link to info about the Northern Flicker and the Whiskey Jack ~
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I’ve heard of Birch Bark…. but have never seen a Buck on Birch… on 100 Mile House’s main street.Some people spend hours in the bush this time of year looking for  and never seeing  a 4 point buck …. great way to the end the day today.
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