Remembrance Day 2016 ~

This blog is in memory of my Dad fondly remembered as TIB, Tommy or Ian.  Who at this time of year I think of a little more often. As Remembrance Day is just around the corner.

My Dad was accepted into the Canadian Army in November 1948.  He was 18 years old. He was sworn in to The Royal Canadian Engineers March 3, 1949. He retired on August 6, 1980.  dadblog

I have a journal Dad kept this is an excerpt from it.dsc_3124w

Dad served in the Korean War from April 1951 to May 1952.  He was a Sapper /Field Engineer.  He deactivated land mines and built bridges while serving there. In my opinion he had nerves of steel.  In July of this year I received this in the mail. It is an Ambassador For Peace medal from the Minister of Patriots & Veterans Affairs , Republic of Korea. I know Dad would be honoured to have received this medal in recognition for his time served in the Korean War. medal-1dsc_3110wdsc_3114biggerdsc_3111biggerdsc_3112biggerdsc_3120w

I have included photos from Dad’s album from the time he was in Korea. I thought they might be of interest to some.

dsc_3142-copydsc_3144-copydsc_3143-copyBuilding bridges ~dsc_3141-copydsc_3140-copydsc_3139-copydsc_3136-copy-copydsc_3134-copy-copydsc_3138-copyExcerpts from Dad’s journal ~ On the 25th of April 1952 ~ Cleaning up and turning in all equipment (except weapons) getting set for rotation home. 3 May 1952 ~ Left last area for “Brittania Camp” where our replacements (23 FD. SQN.) (C.A.REG) were waiting to exchange with us CDN. Army (regular)  5 May 1952 ~ Left Seoul by U.S.A. (E.U.S.A.K.) (8th U.S. Army Korea) train for Pusan, fired on several times on the way South by Guerrillas (North Korean sympathizers nobody killed or wounded) 7 May 1952 ~ embarked Pusan by troop transport (Chinese Nat. Navy) arrived Sasebo Japan, embarked troop train. 8 May 1952 ~ arrived Camp Hiro Kure Japan spent approx 2 weeks.  23 May 1952 ~ Left Kure by train for Yokohama Docks .  24 May 1952 ~ Boarded Troop transport U.S.N.S. MM Patrick for Pacific Ocean crossing. 5 June 1952 ~ Debarked Vancouver today 13 days at sea.  24 August 1952 Returned to 11 P.S. after 60 days leave admitted to Shawnesay Military Hospital (Malaria & Bronchitis) after sick leave posted back to regular Army @ Camp Chilliwack. 5 Feb. 1953 posted to 21 wks. Coy R.C.E. Camp Shilo Manitoba .  24 April 1953 Married today to the girl of my dreams !

spr-mrs-tib-jones4-copySome news paper clippings Dad kept.dsc_3135-copy-copyCanadian casualties 516 killed and 1255 wounded…
dsc_3132-copy-copyThe Canadians were awarded a U.S. Presidential citation by Harry Truman.

Canada in Korea

Daylight Saving Time Ends ~ 2016

Nov 6
Back 1 hour
Nov 6, 2016 – Daylight Saving Time Ends
When local daylight time is about to reach
Sunday, November 6, 2016, 2:00:00 AM clocks are turned backward 1 hour to
Sunday, November 6, 2016, 1:00:00 AM local standard time instead
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 6, 2016 than the day before. There will be more light in the morning.
Also called Fall Back and Winter Time.

100 Mile House Fire Rescue ~


This past week I had the pleasure of photographing 100 Mile House Fire – Rescue Team


When you hear those fire truck sirens do you cringe at the thought that someone’s home is on fire or there is an accident involving fire? I do but at the same moment I am thankful and proud of the brave men and women who are 100 Mile House’s Fire – Rescue Team. Who at a moments notice drop whatever they are doing and come to the rescue of complete strangers … mind you in a small town like ours chances are they will know the people in peril.


These dedicated members who go to fire practices amongst other things are there for us. Comforting to know. Thank you !

History on 100 Mile House Fire – Rescue 

100 Mile House Fire-Rescue History Excerpt from

The Early Years
100 Mile House Fire-Rescue began as an unofficial brigade in 1954, after fire engulfed the Bridge Creek Estate Garage and 100 Mile’s first movie house burned the previous year. In 1956, the official volunteer fire department was formed with Ross Marks as 100 Mile’s first fire chief.

Throughout the years, garage sales, dances and other events have been held by department and ladies’ auxiliary members to raise money for fire service necessities. In 1979, members raised $10,000.00 in only a few months toward the purchase of the Jaws of Life; and many vehicles, such as Rescue 11, have been purchased with dollars raised by the department.

The Department Today
Over the past few years, we have seen a steady increase in the number of annual calls. With this increase, the average paid-on-call member spends approximately five hours per week completing fire department duties such as weekly training and responding to emergencies.

100 Mile House Fire-Rescue has evolved from not only fire suppression, but now includes rescue services, medical aid, and public education and awareness programs. The department also has its own training facility that is fully accredited by the Justice Institute of British Columbia. The continuing commitment and dedication of our past, present, and future members enables 100 Mile House Fire-Rescue to provide the community with a high level of service.


please visit…

Pat & Juanita Corbett ~

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Pat & Juanita Corbett are very familiar faces around The Cariboo.  They are the founders and previous owners of the 108 Hills Health and Guest Ranch.  They also have a company they started back in the mid nineties called “Canadian Natural Oils”  which is quite successful across Canada.

here’s a link if you’d like to visit


Pat Corbett and Juanita Corbett of The Hills Health Ranch in 100 Mile House British Columbia, received the ISPA 2009 Dedicated Contributor Award! awarded by the international spa assn for their work in dedicating their lives to wellness with a strong emphasis on international relations within the spa industry.

the link to the you tube acceptance speech. If you hang on a moment after Juanita’s speech ~ Pat’s is shortly after ~

Some additional info about Pat & Juanita theses excerpts are from

Juanita Corbett
Juanita Corbett is the co-founder and owner of the Hills Health Ranch which is located at 108 Mile House. With her innovation, determination and on-going commitment to research & development, training and education Juanita Corbett continues to stretch the boundaries of Canada’s Spa Industry.
Her dedication to individualized client care and a homeopathic approach to skin care & health and wellness means that the spa at The Hills Health Ranch is proud to offer clients the latest, most up to date treatments and services. Juanita has won many awards for her outstanding contribution to the Spa Industry including Canada’s Spa Industry Contributor of the Year, a major national award. Accomplishments such as the initiation of the first ever spa industry study in North America, and setting the stage for the future focus of that international association have made Juanita Corbett an innovative leader in her field.
In addition, with the establishment of the Erica Miller Spa School, and being the first North American spa to undertake high level R&D in extracting essential oils from indigenous plants known as Canadian Natural Oils.08 Mile Ranch…April 4, 2007 – Spa Director Juanita Corbett has been recognized as contribution to the promotion, growth, strength and education of the Canadian Spa Industry.

It’s the inspired vision of Pat and Juanita Corbett that opened in 1985, replete with 20 chalets and a full suite of spa and lifestyle services.

Totally smitten with the Cariboo landscape, Pat and Juanita Corbett began purchasing bare land in 1982, their vision, to create Canada’s first health resort in a guest ranch setting.

Meanwhile Juanita, a licensed cosmetologist, runs the spa and is routinely found elbow deep in massage oil or facial mud.

“Both my wife and I love the experience the land gives you,” states Corbett.

“You may get a little twisted around for a bit,” laughed Corbett.

“It’s all part of the package, a bit of luxury, giving you the experience of roughing it during the day and camping under four stars at night,” admits Corbett.

But, it’s a great story,” said Corbett with a hearty laugh.
“I use an expression – our best treatment room is the 20,000 acres outside. That’s where the real healing and restoration happens. If you can get to enjoy that, many good things are going to happen, physically and mentally,” said Corbett.
108 Mile, BC…The Tourism Industry …

108 Mile, BC…The Tourism Industry Association of Canada has named Pat Corbett, founder of The Hills Health Ranch with his wife Juanita, to the Canadian Tourism Hall of Fame.

Juanita Corbett is recognized for her leadership and outstanding contributions to spa education
Vancouver…The West Coast College of Massage Therapy (WCCMT) has recognized and honoured Juanita Corbett, Spa Director of The Hills Health Ranch, for her “leadership and outstanding contributions to spa education in Canada.” The prestigious award was presented in Vancouver on April 18, 2009 during the Spa Education Expo 2009. Read more…

Juanita Corbett congratulated as Business of the year in

The international spa and fitness association present Juanita Corbett.

Juanita Corbett awarded Canadian woman entrepreneur of the year
Canadian entrepreneur of the year presented to Juanita Corbett

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Akumal ~

DSC_6273One of the nicest resorts we’ve been to in Mexico~ amazing food & service ! DSC_6317lobbyIMG_0136three
DSC_6220DSC_6221 copy copyPelicans everywhere ~DSC_6208DSC_6235Little buddy under sidewalk~
DSC_6144DSC_6243seasideDSC_6252DSC_6245DSC_6280IMG_0136DSC_6250Great venue for weddings ~

DSC_6262IMG_0119DSC_6281DSC_63034 leaf clovers even there~DSC_6238These creatures were running all over the place~ harmless…DSC_6319fourIMG_0109oneFriendly maids ~IMG_0096Infinity pool~DSC_6135 copyBirds enjoyed the Infinity pool too~DSC_6158 copyIMG_0138 copyI’m not sure what these creatures are ~ they were all over the place too… they like bananas…IMG_0175 copyDSC_6254IMG_0176 copyAwesome rocks ~IMG_0181 copyIMG_0182 copyBeautifully kept grounds ~ first class.IMG_0184 copyIMG_0185 copyArmin a very nice waiter ~twoIMG_0164IMG_0172IMG_0183