This blog is in memory of my Dad fondly remembered as TIB, Tommy or Ian. Â Who at this time of year I think of a little more often. As Remembrance Day is just around the corner.
My Dad was accepted into the Canadian Army in November 1948. Â He was 18 years old. He was sworn in to The Royal Canadian Engineers March 3, 1949. He retired on August 6, 1980. Â
I have a journal Dad kept this is an excerpt from it.
Dad served in the Korean War from April 1951 to May 1952. Â He was a Sapper /Field Engineer. Â He deactivated land mines and built bridges while serving there. In my opinion he had nerves of steel. Â In July of this year I received this in the mail. It is an Ambassador For Peace medal from the Minister of Patriots & Veterans Affairs , Republic of Korea. I know Dad would be honoured to have received this medal in recognition for his time served in the Korean War.Â
I have included photos from Dad’s album from the time he was in Korea. I thought they might be of interest to some.
Building bridges ~
Excerpts from Dad’s journal ~ On the 25th of April 1952 ~ Cleaning up and turning in all equipment (except weapons) getting set for rotation home. 3 May 1952 ~ Left last area for “Brittania Camp” where our replacements (23 FD. SQN.) (C.A.REG) were waiting to exchange with us CDN. Army (regular) Â 5 May 1952 ~ Left Seoul by U.S.A. (E.U.S.A.K.) (8th U.S. Army Korea) train for Pusan, fired on several times on the way South by Guerrillas (North Korean sympathizers nobody killed or wounded) 7 May 1952 ~ embarked Pusan by troop transport (Chinese Nat. Navy) arrived Sasebo Japan, embarked troop train. 8 May 1952 ~ arrived Camp Hiro Kure Japan spent approx 2 weeks. Â 23 May 1952 ~ Left Kure by train for Yokohama Docks . Â 24 May 1952 ~ Boarded Troop transport U.S.N.S. MM Patrick for Pacific Ocean crossing. 5 June 1952 ~ Debarked Vancouver today 13 days at sea. Â 24 August 1952 Returned to 11 P.S. after 60 days leave admitted to Shawnesay Military Hospital (Malaria & Bronchitis) after sick leave posted back to regular Army @ Camp Chilliwack. 5 Feb. 1953 posted to 21 wks. Coy R.C.E. Camp Shilo Manitoba . Â 24 April 1953 Married today to the girl of my dreams !
Some news paper clippings Dad kept.
Canadian casualties 516 killed and 1255 wounded…
The Canadians were awarded a U.S. Presidential citation by Harry Truman.
Canada in Korea
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