Upon getting permission from The Mayor and Council we were able to begin our project with their blessing. With Brad Johnson & Wally Bramsleven of Sitka Log homes stage plans complete it was time to get things in motion. In the meantime Allan is out and about handing out our booklet for people to help with the project either by physical labor or cash donations to pay for the “stuff” that is needed to complete “The Stage in The Park Project” and what an awesome response we have gotten from the businesses and people of 100 Mile House all willing to participate in this project.
“You start building a good community when you yourself decide that you will be a good neighbor”… Back in the day it was “Building a Community, Building a Barn” today it’s “Building a Community , Building a Stage for the Park”
First thing that needed to be done was to log some trees. We have some beautiful big fir on our property so that is where we got the trees for part of the project. Bill & AJ Bjornsen with their professional falling experience got to work. They so generously donated their expertise and time towards this endeavour on a very chilly Sunday morning I might add…Bill & son AJ…
Noggy got in on the action too… as you can see it wasn’t the sunniest of days…
Next we needed to haul the trees out of the forest so that Rona (Steve Brown) can transport them to Sitka Log Homes to be peeled and dried… Along comes Wayne Best with his 1965 Loader that works like a charm and he graciously volunteered to do this. One very nice fellow. Another very cold day in The Cariboo.
Wayne & Allan …
After these were moved by Mr. Best. Rona Interlakes (Steve Brown) offered his services to load them onto one of his trucks to haul them to Sitka Log Homes. It took awhile but they got loaded.
Erik from Rona loading the logs…
And away they go !
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