A trip to meet Maggie~

I went on a mini trip to meet a puppy named Maggie…DSC_7615signIt was a dark and stormy day … DSC_7620signI saw a few great old barns on my trip through Hwy. 24 the one below here was built in 1920… for the railroad to house horses for logging…DSC_7624 copy copyHere is little Miss Maggie…DSC_7631smallDSC_7647DSC_7646I love puppies… She’s a beauty a golden retriever red lab cross… I’d never heard of a red lab until now…DSC_7648DSC_7649DSC_7652 copya few scenes outside Cache Creek whilst heading home…DSC_7657 copy

here is a link to what other red labs looks like … oh and can’t forget the golden retrievers… such a nice breed ~



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